Live & Wired Ep 113: One of those weeks

Ahh, the merging of movies and video games. Two of my (blog post) passions, and sci-fi movies they always manage to do some things that leave us science fiction movie ...Source: Live & Wired Ep 113: One of those weeks - Decker Shado More Videos

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Akira Movie Review

The 1988 anime film that helped create the demand for the genre in America, Akira was based on the long running Manga series of the same name. Famously shunned by big names like George Lucas as being action movies unmarketable, it's still remembered for being remarkable - and very strange. Some love it, some hate it - but what do I think of it? O

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Carla, this is Yasmin. I love movies. Every kind of film. I was raised in the 80s so I have a fondness for toys. (I still have my original He-Man and She-Ra Film Reviews action figures!) I'm a huge fan of anime.Dear FriendsCentral Avenue vintage videosDestinations of Evil from the Deepest DepthsCult Classics of the 90s Web SeriesSleaze BlenderGreat

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CGI VS Practical Effects - Why is CGI seen as lesser?

A few weeks back, behind-the-scenes footage from the production of Prey sparked up debate online on CGI vs Practical Effects. Before CGI was a thing, it was all practical all the time due to necessity. However, in the years since Jurassic Park showed us that CGI can be more impressive in many ways, Hollywood has gone CGI for most everything.

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